Remember who you are.
As we continue on our divine path to reconnect to our higher consciousness, dark forces make evermore desperate efforts to thwart our awakening. Hurling ludicrous fear campaigns, that turn our heads towards our devices, in an attempt to distract us from our own power.
Ironically all they succeed in doing, is awakening the masses. ;D
Whatever stage of the awakening process you are at, take heart that you are not alone, because when you choose the awakening journey, you are supported by God.
Although peeling away programming can be a painful process, remember your growing sense of sovereignty is helping illuminate human consciousness to the infinite power of love.
Know thyself. By doing the internal shadow work, you are helping to actively change the collective timeline to an era of peace, understanding, compassion and harmony.
It is important to turn away from the constant distractions and find time to be joyous. Walk in nature, create, meditate, play, laugh, pray and be grateful.
We are stardust.
Here at I Love Chakra, we offer you a selection of beautiful Crystals, Artworks and Sacred Blue Lotus Oil, to support your awakening journey.
Please get in touch if you would like to book a powerful and calming, chakra reading to help you find your centre. Each reading comes with a beautiful bespoke, personalised crystal necklace, designed especially for you.
with love - Katie Manekshaw Artist, Author & Intuitive
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