“Freedom of Expression.”
Expression is an important form of freedom, which until recently most of us have taken for granted.
In recent times, there are those who would like to convince us that our voices should be not be heard, that we should be tamed, hushed, limited, repressed, even gagged. And once again we are being herded into conflicting corners of extremes, by the loudest voices who use their power to propagandise fear and division.
Without the right to express ourselves, we are not free.
During the awakening process we are watching many illusions dissolve, one by one like falling dominos. It can be overwhelming at times. To lose faith in the voices we once trusted to guide us, can be extremely painful. Because then we have to question our own beliefs, loyalties, and deepest core values. Our very identity falls into question.
This intense shedding of self identity can cause much pain and grief, but it is all part of the healing process. So hold on tight, stay true and have faith you are not alone.
There is no going back.
Forgive yourself. We have been programmed since birth to give our power away, to conform without question. We were sold the lie that the teacher knows best. But the truth is, only we know what is best for us. And we must learn to harness that power.
We must unlearn everything to be free
When we open our eyes and see how our most trusted institutions have betrayed us, their lying voices fall on deaf ears. So all they can do is shout louder, talk over us, and try to suppress our voices in an attempt to silence us.
But have faith dearest light being. God is on your side.
We are awakening to the power and beauty of our collective voice.
The voice of humanity.
Our inner knowing.
Our self-empowerment.
Our hearts truth.
Our intuition.
And we are learning to hear the truest voice of all . . .
The voice of LOVE
The voice of ONENESS
The voice of PEACE
The voice of FREEDOM
The voice of GOD
written by Katie Manekshaw
Founder of I Love Chakra. Creative artist author & intuitive.